Dear Parents,
Thank you for allowing your child(ren) to attend our AWANA program. We look forward to another year of fun, learning and growing in Christ.
In order for things to run more smoothly, we would like to pass on some information. If you have any questions feel free to discuss them with your child’s leader, one of the secretaries or the ministry director (look for the yellow polo shirt). You may also call the ministry director at home (704) 776-2316.
Our AWANA program covers the following ages:
Cubbies 3-4 yrs old (3 yr olds must be eligible for Kindergarten within 2 years)
Sparks – Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade
T&T 3rd – 6th grade
There is no charge for the program itself. The cost for the children’s handbooks will be $13. Typically, a child will only need one handbook each year. A few ambitious Sparks might need two. The AWANA uniforms are priced as follows:
Cubbies Vest $12
Sparks Vest $12
T&T Shirt $17
We have some uniforms at reduced rates donated by children who no longer need them. If you would like one of these, see the ministry director. If you would like to donate a uniform, you would be helping someone who cannot afford the extra expense.
Payments may be made by cash or check (made out to “Waxhaw Bible Church”). If the cost of the handbooks and uniforms are a financial problem for you, please talk to the ministry director about other arrangements. We do not want your child to miss out on this program because of lack of money.
The hours for AWANA are 5:00 – 6:45 pm on Sundays. We would like for the children not to arrive earlier than 4:45 and to be picked up no later than 7:00. Feel free to pick up your Cubbies a few minutes earlier if you wish. When picking up children, please go to their respective rooms in the new building. The children are not allowed to leave until an adult comes to get them. We require this for the safety of the children.
The AWANA Grand Prix will be held on (TBD). Those wishing to participate in this fun event may purchase a Pinewood Derby Kit during any Awana meeting in late January and February. Each kit will cost $4. Information on workshop dates, times, places and race times will be given later. We’re currently planning on having workshops beginning in mid February (the three Saturdays before the Grand Prix).
There are several ways that you can help this program. The first is to work with your children to help them learn their verses in their handbooks. The children who do the best in Awana are those whose parents taken an active part in encouraging them to work in their handbooks each week. The second is to encourage your kids to help support our Awana Missionary, Kathy Brock. She depends on donations as her only means of support. We think that by giving on a regular basis, the children learn an important lesson about supporting God’s work. This is true whether they give a nickel each week or a dollar.
We encourage you to communicate with us as often as you like. You can reach us by e-mail or by phone. The church phone number is 704-843-4514. This website is also full of useful information. The calendar page especially will come in handy when you need to know what events are coming up soon or what the next theme night is going to be.
For His Glory,
Robert Wildermuth
Awana Ministry Director